Podcast - Modern Outdoor Survival


:: different methods for carrying water ::

11th October 2021

For episode seventeen we talk about carrying water, by bladder or bottle, there are different products out there to suit all. Richard Prideaux shares his experiences about what works and what fails when put through it’s paces in real-life situations.

Carrying water is something which you will nearly always need to do if spending time outdoors. Chances are that you have either landed on your feet with a system which works for you, or you are always on the lookout for something new which may solve your current water carrying problems.

We talk about our experiences with metal, solid plastic, and the flexible plastic bottles, their up and downsides. Water bladders have become very popular and are a go-to for many hikers and outdoorspeople for the ease of access to drinking water, but they do have their drawbacks too.


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Modern Outdoor Survival is a podcast from Original Outdoors.

It began as a standalone show, and is now part of the range of podcast titles available under the Original Outdoors brand.

The purpose of this show is to share realistic and relevant outdoor safety with a global audience.

Survival is about good planning, good training and good decisions – it is not about flashy gear or weird, esoteric skills.


A Mountain Leader with over a decade of experience across the UK and overseas, Richard is our Lead Instructor and a partner in Original Outdoors. He is a specialist in temperate wilderness skills and the wild foods of the British Isles, and also works as a consultant for various brands and organisations. Richard lives in North Wales.

With over a decade of experience working outside in the UK doing everything from dry stone walling to tree planting and carrying out wildlife surveys. Amy is our resident ecologist and wild food enthusiast, and also works as a consultant for various brands and wildlife organisations. Amy lives in North Wales.

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56: Wet Cold vs Dry Cold

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