Podcast - Modern Outdoor Survival

Snow - How To Deal with Avalanches

16th December 2023

Richard Prideaux and Ralph talk about avalanches, what they are, how to avoid being caught in one and the personal skills to develop if you want to spend time on snowy mountains.

On this episode of Modern Outdoor Survival, Richard welcomes Ralph to the show to talk about snow, primarily avalanches. Ralph lives within the Arctic circle at 69.18˚ N and has a particular interest in avalanches. He is also a member of the local Search and Rescue team.


Ralph’s Instagram

Scottish Avalanche Information Service

Norwegian Avalanche and Natural Risk Service

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Modern Outdoor Survival is a podcast from Original Outdoors.

It began as a standalone show, and is now part of the range of podcast titles available under the Original Outdoors brand.

The purpose of this show is to share realistic and relevant outdoor safety with a global audience.

Survival is about good planning, good training and good decisions – it is not about flashy gear or weird, esoteric skills.


A Mountain Leader with over a decade of experience across the UK and overseas, Richard is our Lead Instructor and a partner in Original Outdoors. He is a specialist in temperate wilderness skills and the wild foods of the British Isles, and also works as a consultant for various brands and organisations. Richard lives in North Wales.

With over a decade of experience working outside in the UK doing everything from dry stone walling to tree planting and carrying out wildlife surveys. Amy is our resident ecologist and wild food enthusiast, and also works as a consultant for various brands and wildlife organisations. Amy lives in North Wales.

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