
Richard Prideaux on the Hard Times Strong Men podcast

23rd August 2023

Through our own podcasts and his own strong social media presence, Richard has built up a network of contacts across the pond and periodically gets invited to have interesting conversations at odd hours of the day (or night, thanks timezones).

Recently he was invited onto the Hard Times Strong Men podcast to talk about….well all sorts really. The main topics of discussion are about being an outdoor instructor and coaching people through the learning process, often in difficult or uncomfortable situations. They take a deep dive into the definition of bushcraft and cultural differences in how it is perceived, as well as comparing hunting access, laws, and opportunities.

Hard Times Strong Men can be found sharing content on Instagram

With over a decade of experience working outside in the UK doing everything from dry stone walling to tree planting and carrying out wildlife surveys. Amy is our resident ecologist and wild food enthusiast, and also works as a consultant for various brands and organisations. Amy lives in North Wales.

A Life more Wild.

A Life More Wild is the philosophy which underpins everything we do.

It encompasses practical skills, personal development, community learning and a journey to live more intentionally.